Unbelievable Diet With Eggs! Lost 3 kg In Just 3 days

This 3-day diet will help you lose weight in just one week. During this diet, you should avoid consuming pasta, salt, sugar, fast food, fatty meats, fried foods and chips.

First Day

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes, and one cup of green tea with no sugar.
Lunch: 2 egg whites, 120 g of boiled o baked fish, and one glass of green tea.
Snack: 1 apple
Dinner:  Steamed carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peas etc. with one cup of green tea.

Second Day

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1 banana and 1 cup of green tea.
Lunch: 2 egg whites, 120 g boiled chicken without skin and one glass of green tea.
Dinner: one slice of rusk, 120 g cottage cheese and one cup of low fat milk.

Third Day

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and one glass of tomato juice
Lunch: 2 egg whites, 120 g of cooked red meat and one cup of green tea.
Dinner: 2 baked potatoes, lettuce and one glass of green tea.

                                     Source: http://www.justnaturallife.com/

1 Lemon Peel Trick to Get Rid of Inflammation and Chronic Pain

The lemon tree is one of the oldest and most cultivated fruit plants in the world, and for good reason! Lemons really do earn their right to be called a super food!

 Lemons are filled with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, A, B1, B6, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin, folic acid, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium.

They help to protect against many diseases and conditions, and have many positive effects on the intestines, stomach, liver, and the overall immune system.

Lemon juice and peels have a nice sour, acidic taste, lemons actually function as a buffer in the body and can reduce hyperactivity in the stomach.

Lemon peels have a nice antiseptic effect, and the leaves are good fever reducers.
What you didn’t know is that your favorite citrus fruit can help with joint pain!
The fragrant volatile essential oils in the lemon peel help to relax blood vessels and they produce an anti-inflammatory effect, making them useful for joint and nerve pain.

The following recipe is simple and effective, and you only need a few ingredient that more than likely you already have in your house.

Here are the two most effective ways:

Grate the peel, being careful to only get the yellow layer and none of the white. Rub the peel directly onto the affected body part and wrap with a bandage.

Keep in place for up to two hours.

Put the rind of two whole lemons in a jar, and fill with olive oil.
Close the jar and let the mixture sit for two weeks.
Rub the oil onto the affected area and wrap with gauze. Let sit overnight.
It is important to make sure that you use organic lemons.

                                             Source: http://supertastyrecipes.com/

Try This Baking Soda Mixture For Face Care!

Common blackheads occur when the skin pores become clogged with excess sebum, dirt and dead skin cells. If not properly cleaned, the clogged skin pores lead to acne and pimples. Therefore, you need to clean them  regularly.

-Wash your face thoroughly.
-Mix 2 tablespoons of shaving cream with ½ teaspoon of baking soda.
-Boil 200 ml of water and add ½ spoons of dry chamomile flower.
-Put the pot on your table, place your head over the pot and cover it with a towel. Steam your face for about 5-7 minutes.

-After the steaming, apply the baking-soda mixture on your face. Avoid the area around your eyes and lips.
-Take a soft toothbrush and wet it in hot water. Then, gently clean your face, particularly the area around the nose and forehead.
-Wash your face with water.
-You won`t believe what you will see in the mirror. Your face will be soft and clean and the black spots will be gone.

                                               Source: http://www.justnaturallife.com/

Here Is What Happens When You Wash Your Face with Apple Cider Vinegar

This common cooking ingredient has many other uses outside the kitchen. In fact, apple cider vinegar can be extremely beneficial for your skin, even more beneficial than most expensive beauty products.

For one thing, apple cider vinegar prevents the appearance of acne and aging spots. Plus, it’s highly efficient in removing of dead skin cells due to the alpha hydroxyl acid it contains. This ingredient is also found in many cosmetic products, but its content is much higher in ACV. On the plus side, the alpha hydroxyl acid in ACV is in its raw natural form.

To efficiently remove age spots, simply soak a cotton ball in diluted apple cider vinegar and apply it on the affected area. Leave it on for about half an hour before you rinse your face off with cold water.

Similarly, you can use apple cider vinegar to treat acne and other skin infections. ACV has powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which makes it extremely efficient in treatment of various skin infections.

On one side, this powerful home remedy cleanses the pores on your skin, thus helping your skin to breathe normally and preventing the appearance of acne. On the other side, it balances your skin pH level.

When using ACV topically, be sure to dilute it with some water before application as it is highly acidic and can damage your skin if applied directly.
Use ACV to make your own face cleanser. This is how to do it.
Use the following ingredients:

a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
three tablespoons of water or 1: 3 ratio

Mix the ingredients in a small container. Wash your face and apply the mixture on wet skin using a cotton ball. Rub well in all directions.

Organic ACV has the highest content of minerals, enzymes and beneficial bacteria that improve your skin quality.
                                             Source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/

The New Toothpaste Which Leave Dentists Without Work

A revolutionary invention for maintaining personal hygiene has been invented by a Japanese researcher Kazue Yamagishi. It’s about a new toothpaste that fills all the holes and cracks in the teeth and restore the tooth enamel.

All this ultimately makes a lot of manipulations unnecessary , which dentists usually perform.

In its composition the tooth paste of the Japanese researcher is similar with the tooth enamel, the only difference is that it is  liquid. Thus it can easily be applied to the affected area with a toothbrush.

The formula of the new paste is obtained after a series of experiments with hydroxylapatite, also called crystalline calcium phosphate, the main component of the tooth.

After the paste is applied to the teeth, the acid on the surface of the teeth begins to dissolve. Three minutes later, the paste begins to crystallize and gets fastened to the structure of the natural enamel.

                                          Source: http://supertastyrecipes.com/

Supported By Clinical Studies, This Flower Is NEW Weight Loss Weapon 7 Pounds for 7 Days

Known by the name hibiscus sabdariffa, hibiscus is using for centuries in many cultural practices and has a lot of health benefits. It belongs to the Malvaceaae family in which are also: okra, cotton and cocoa. Hibiscus is native to warm climates and grows throughout the world.

Hibiscus drink is very popular drink and is often used as medicinal tea. The sour taste and the ruby red color are the trademarks of this tea. The popularity of brewing this flower into a healthy and tasty tea continues to grow as more people learn of its health benefits, most recently weight loss.

In a period of 3 months, these two groups had consultations about healthy diet. Their menu was made in order to contain less than 500 calories per day.

The difference between diets of these two groups was in cumin powder. First group of subjects during this period consumed 140 ml yogurt mixed with cumin powder. The second group also consumed 140 ml yogurt, but without the spice.

After the period of three months, the first group (that was consuming cumin powder) lost about 14 kilograms, unlike the second group.

It is interesting fact that participants in the first group lost 14,64 % more fat than the those in second group. They lost 4,91 % fat.

Cumin powder contains phytosterols. Phytosterols have ability to disable the retention of the cholesterol in human body. Also, scientists claim that cumin accelerates metabolism.

You can add this great spice not only in yogurt, but to any other meal and make it more delicious.

                                         Source: http://www.healthadvisorgroup.com/

One Cup Of This Drink Clears Your Lungs And Boosts Your Immune System (RECIPE)

Numerous studies have pointed out that oats are one of the most valuable foods on Earth due to their nutrients. Namely, If you remove the chaff from the oats, they contain lots of valuable nutrients which are important for every human being, such as like lecithin, Vitamin A and B, useful protein and amino acids, niacin, biotin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iodine.

Furthermore, oats mucus can be used for the preparation of a soup, which is irreplaceable and extremely beneficial in cases of recovering from stomach or intestine operations, gastric ulcer, gallbladder, kidney problems, and blood sugar.

This oats remedy we present to you today is very effective in cases of cough in children, and it significantly boost their immune system.

To be more specific, this remedy is most useful in persistent cough in children, when even a mild squeaking from their lung can be heard. Incredibly, only one cup of this oats drink will help them get rid of the mucus and restore their immunity.


  • 1 cup of hulled oats
  • 1 cup of water
  • 7 oz / 200 grams honey
  • The amount prepared will be enough for 4-5 days.

Method of preparation:
At first, wash the oats and then put them in a small pot with the cup of water. Then, put the mixture on a stove and let it boil for a couple of minutes. After it cools add the honey.

It is advisable to cook the mixture at night and leave it until the morning. In the morning, squeeze out the oats and put the healing liquid in a glass jar. Put it in a fridge.

For a period of 40 days, give your child a small cup (30ml) of this mixture on an empty stomach. Then, you should take a 15 days break, and after that break, you can start giving them this drink again every morning for another 40 days.

This procedure will effectively eliminate mucus from the lungs of your children, and it will strengthen their immune system.

It is of vital importance not to skip days, but follow the schedule for 40 days, then 15 days break, then go for another 40 days.

This amazing remedy is so strong and powerful that you will need to use it only once, as after this procedure, your children won’t be prone to viruses and diseases any more.

                                             Source: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/

Banana Drink That Melts Stomach Fat

Are you looking for a miracle that will shrink your waist? Well, we have some good news for you. We give you a super fast and all natural way to reduce abdominal fat!

Wondering what is the secret? It is bananas!

Bananas are abundant in potassium, a mineral that assists in building up muscles and flushing toxins out of the body. When combined with flax seeds and spinach, bananas enhance your metabolism and stimulate a healthy weight-loss process.

Try this amazing smoothie recipe and enjoy a more attractive body! Make sure you drink it regularly, otherwise you may not get the results you expect. You will notice some changes within the first week.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange
  • ½ glass low fat or fat-free yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • ¼ tbsp ginger powder
  • 2 tbsp flax seeds
  • 2 tbsp whey powder

This recipe does not require any special preparation. All you need to do is blend all the ingredients together and enjoy your waist-shrinking drink!

                                            Source: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/

This is The Reason Why You’re Going To Freeze Lemon From Now On!

Another experimental study has demonstrated how limonoids, that natural existent in lemons and different citrus organic products avoid and unequivocally stop the advancement of growth cells, particularly breast tumor!
Researchers highlight that you mustn’t discard anything from the lemon: the juice, the seeds or the covering!

The lemon skin has 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the juice.

Lemon has anti-carcinogenic effects, and an entire lemon can help your body discharge toxins, it has an anti-microbe impact against bacterial contaminations and parasites, is extremely successful against inward parasites and worms, manages the blood pressure, it is great anti-depressant and t is great  battle against anxiety and apprehensive issue.

Not only for the healthy reason, you can enjoy in its flavor, especially the skin, in the following way:

It is very easy. Take one non-sprayed lemon (if you don’t have home growth, buy organic lemon from bigger stores or healthy food ships), wash it good and put it in the freezer (you can put slice or whole lemon)

After freezing, takeout and grind it.
Freezing lemon like this can be put in ice-cream, soups, cereals, pasta, your favorite drinks or on/in anything else!

You will taste new flavor, which will be awesome and your body will be grateful for being health.


                                             Source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/

Clear Up Clogged Arteries & Eliminate Bad Cholesterol with This Natural Remedy

A mixture of three simple elements will help you in clogged arteries treatment and abolish any fat buildups in your blood. This beverage is prepared of garlic, lemon and ginger.
It delivers a wide range of health welfares, and this combination of three fantastic healthy and easily obtainable foods will have a positive outcome on your overall health.

The recipe of this amazing elixir has been invented mainly to heal and prevent atherosclerosis, prevent general fatigue, control elevated blood fats, strengthen immunity, prevent and treat infections and colds, cleanse liver and recover the function of liver enzymes, stop damages triggered by free radicals and many other illnesses related with heart and circulation problems.

Mentioning that the major problem with garlic is its strong odor and flavor, we have to mention that lemon and water entirely neutralize its aroma.

These are the components you need to make this elixir:


  • 4 large garlic bulbs (40 cloves)
  • 4 lemons, unpeeled
  • Ginger root (3-4 cm) or 2 tbsp of ginger powder
  • 67 oz / 2l water

Wash the lemon and then cut it into chunks. Make sure you immerse them first in some apple cider vinegar solution if you’re not sure about the origin of your lemons, if they aren’t organic or if they have been treated with chemicals. Then rind your garlic cloves, and blend them in unison with the lemon chunks and ginger.

Blend till you get smooth and homogenous mixture. Put the blended fusion in a pot, pour it in 2 liters of water and heat it until it boils. Mix it once in a while. After you take the pot off the heat let it cool for a while. Strain and remove it into glass bottles.

Consume your elixir daily. You ought to drink about 6.5 oz / 200 ml of it at least 2 hours before your meals, or in the morning before you consume anything.

You don’t need to the strain it because you can drink your elixir with the tiny bits in it.Water, lemon and heat neutralize the garlic aroma.   In order bits from the bottom to infuse with the liquid, shake the bottle previously. This beverage is incredible for elder people. It bring backs the energy and strength, and revitalizes the body, as well as it improves the circulation.

                                         Source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/

Dates – The Healthiest Fruit On This Planet That Can Cure Many Diseases!

Dates are abundant in fiber which is essential for proper digestion.

The high natural sugar content in dates is what makes them a great alternative for ordinary sugar. Apart from being easily metabolized, they’re also filling and satisfy hunger. Abounding in nutrients, dates are an excellent fruit choice for both children and adults. Plus, dates are extremely beneficial for treating various conditions and illnesses such as anemia, high cholesterol, and even cancer.

Rich in Iron
Dates are highly efficient in treating anemia because they are a rich source of iron. 100g dates contain about 0.90g iron, which accounts for about 11% of the recommended daily intake. And, iron plays vital role in transferring oxygen in the blood. Generally, teenagers and pregnant women are the groups that need more iron.

Abundant in Eye Vitamins
Due to the fact that dates contain lutein and zeaxantine, they are often referred to as ‘eye vitamins.’ Lutein and zeaxantine are known to be highly beneficial for the eye retina and macula since they enhance the eyesight and prevent any possible damage to the macula, which deteriorates with age. If you want to improve your eyesight, you should eat more dates.

Treat Diarrhea
Moreover, dates contain calcium, a mineral important for diarrhea treatment. Plus, dates can do wonders for the renewal of the gut flora. Regular date consumption stimulates the proliferation of good bacteria in the intestines.

Help Constipation
Just as dates can help against diarrhea, they also stimulate good digestion and eliminate toxins from the body. If you suffer from constipation, you should leave a few dates in a glass of water overnight. During the night, dates will release their juice which is a great laxative, and will help the function of the intestines. And that’s not all; dates also stimulate metabolism because they have high fiber content – 100g dates contain 8.5g fiber.

Facilitate Delivery
According to an experiment conducted at the Jordan University for Science and Technology, consuming dates on regular basis starting 4 weeks before the due date can alleviate pain and reduce the bleeding. The study showed that women who consumed dates had much easier delivery as opposed to the women that did not eat this fruit. In addition, dates help women get through the postpartum depression more easily and produce enough milk for the baby.

Regulate Weight
Dates give a feeling of fullness and actually stimulate weight loss as a result of the many nutrients they contain. Eating a date on an empty stomach will not only regulate the work of your intestines, but also your blood sugar levels. But, have in mind that although dates don’t contain cholesterol, they do contain plenty of sugar, so excessive consumption would lead to weight gain instead (1kg dates contains 3,000 calories).

Strengthen the Heart
Dates have also shown to be beneficial for heart conditions so people with weak heart are advised to consume dates on a regular basis. Leave some dates in a glass of water overnight. In the morning blend the dates and the water together. You can drink this several times during the day.

Reduce Hypertension
Although dates contain little sodium, they are quite abundant in calcium. A serving of 5-6 dates contains near 80mg magnesium, a crucial mineral for blood vessel dilatation. According to research, 370mg magnesium per day can effectively reduce blood pressure.

Stroke Prevention
Thanks to its high potassium content, this amazing fruit is beneficial for maintaining a healthy nervous system. According to studies, the risk of stroke can be reduced for up to 40% with sufficient potassium consumption (about 400mg a day).

Food for the Brain
Furthermore, dates contain phosphorus, which is great for the brain.

Energy Booster
For optimal energy boosting, combine dates and milk as this will help you get the maximum amount of natural sugars this fruit contains (including glucose, sucrose and fructose).

Increase Libido
For increased sexual drive, soak a few dates in some goat milk and leave them overnight. In the morning, mix the fruit and milk, add honey and cardamom (spice) and drink it. This combination is equally beneficial for both men and women because it strengthens the body and increases the energy level.

                                                    Source:  http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/

Here Is What Your Butt Shape Says About You – You’ll Be Surprised!

Your butt shape describes your personality. There are 9 types of butt shape, which one is yours?

1. Muscle butt
These people are characterized as self-confident, intellectual and physically strong.

2. Round butt
People with round butt, or also known as apple bottom, are determined, positive and prosperous. Also, they are sexually active, sincere, direct and materialistic.

3. Square butt
These people are determined, ambitious and won`t stop until they complete their targets. They are successful in many businesses.

4. Wrinkly butt
People with wrinkly butt are reliable, calm and prudent. Those with asymmetrical wrinkles are a bit self-centered and they want too much.

5. Saddlebag butt
These people are very devoted in relationship and marriage. However, they lack self-confidence and motivation.

6. Saggy butt
A person with a saggy butt is amiable and big-hearted. Moreover, these people are loyal, sympathetic, supportive and with a great sense of humor.

7. Uneven butt
People who have larger left buttock than the right one are more prone to staying single. On the other hand, if you have larger right buttock than the left one, you will have many problems in life, such as problems at work for men, and problems with child birth for women.

8. Hairy butt
These people are very friendly and pleasant. Those who have black hair on their buttocks and red hair on their head are gifted and passionate.

9. Birthmarks on the butt
These are bold and passionate people. They will enjoy years of creation, passion and love in their life.

                                         Source: http://thehealthycentral.com/

3-Ingredient Health “Shots” To Alkalize Your Body, Lose Weight And Energize Your Body

Probably most of you have ever woken up in the morning and just felt like staying in bed, as your body is stiff and exhausted.  As a result, most people reach for a cup of coffee to give them the jolt of caffeine to get their day started. However, coffee is not the healthiest thing you can consume in the morning.

Your body is at its most acidic point in the morning, which is actually normal. While an acidic body is never good, your body undergoes different processes as you sleep which release acids into your system. This is one of the reasons why your body feels groggy, and coffee, that is, additional acid, is far from a good idea.

In contrary, you need to alkalize your body at the start of your day!

Therefore, we will reveal the recipes of three quick, simple and natural 3-ingredient health shots which will wake your body up and provide energy for the whole day.

Undoubtedly, it is extremely important to drink high alkaline beverages first thing in the morning to balance out your pH. However, you don’t need it in large doses, so the following health shots are the perfect solution.

Digestion Booster Shot

In order to prepare your entire body for the following day, you need to stimulate the work of the digestive system from the morning. Issues with your digestive system can keep the rest of your body running at a less than optimal standard and leave you feeling tired all day. This health shot is the perfect drink to prepare and boost the work of your digestive system.


½ an ounce of lemon juice
½ an ounce of organic apple cider vinegar
A pinch of organic ground ginger
All three of these ingredients have great digestive boosting properties to ensure that your system is running smoothly all day long. Feel free to mix in some water to make it easier to swallow, if you find this shot too strong for you.

Metabolism Booster Shot

You may doubt that these ingredients will make your body less acidic, but they are actually some of the best ones to consume to alkaline your body.


½ an ounce of organic apple cider vinegar
½ an ounce of lemonjuice
A pinch of cayenne pepper
If it is too strong for you to drink the vinegar and lemon juice in the morning, try adding 2 ounces of water. Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar work to get your blood to a pH level that is more alkaline, exactly what nature intended. That pinch of cayenne also stimulates your metabolism which can help in the process of losing weight and may freshen your body in the morning.

Green Smoothie Shot

The Green Smoothie Shot contains 10 grams of protein, vitamin C and B, and loads of potassium.


¼ of frozen organic blueberries
1 slice of ginger
2 cups of organic spinach
Optional: some Stevia for added sweetness

Mix all of these ingredients together in a blender, and add some water if you want to loosen the consistency. You can even enrich your smoothie by adding in some spirulina, a superfood algae that is also known as nature’s multivitamin. You can prepare a big batch of this drink and keep it in the fridge.

It’s important that we ensure our bodies get all the nutrients it needs the first thing in the morning, after repairing and healing itself during the night. Moreover, they will help you keep your body as alkaline as possible, which will prevent diseases. Apart from all these health benefits, these healthy shots are delicious!  Enjoy!

                                                Source: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/

He Slept All Night With a Red Onion Around His Neck When He Woke Up He Witnessed a Miracle!

It is known that onions clean the skin, kill bacteria, and the phosphoric acid enters the bloodstream and miraculously helps to purify the blood.

So try this phenomenal popular remedy for treating thyroid gland.

A doctor from Sant Petersburg, Igor Knjazkin, wrote a recipe for treating thyroid gland that includes red onions.

According to his recommendation, you should cut up a red onion in half just before going to bed so that the juice can flow from each half.

Massage the neck with the cut up onion around the area of the thyroid gland with light circular movements.

Go to bed without washing your neck so that the onion juice can take effect throughout the night. Onion juice naturally enables the function of the thyroid gland.

Afterwards, put a slice of onion in each sock and sleep!

It is known that onions clean the skin, kill bacteria, and the phosphoric acid enters the bloodstream and miraculously helps to purify the blood.

Folk medicine says that onions have the following effect:

-They purify the blood
-Kill bacteria and pathogens
-Purifies the air

                                    Source: http://www.justhealthylifestyle.com/


Why This Works

This exercise is extremely effective because it targets all the core muscles, including the transverse abdominous, the gluteus maximus and anterior deltoids.

This exercise can flatten your stomach because it activates the transverse abdominous. This is the muscle which goes sideways beneath the top layer of abdominal muscles. It pulls in and tightens the entire core. The usual sit ups do not activate transverse abdominous, which is the one that is responsible for tightening of your stomach.

How To Do it

For best results, make sure you are in the right position. Improper position can lead to injury of the spine and muscles. Your body should be straight and still throughout the activity.

1-Put your legs and knees on the ground.
2-Your palms should be flat on the floor at a shoulder`s width apart.
3-Extend your neck and lift your head so that your nose will face the floor and face paralleled to the ground.
4-Extend your right leg back slowly and rest your weight on your toes. Next, extend your left leg to the same position.
5-Your body weight should totally on your hands and toes. Your buttocks should lower than the shoulders and your entire body should extend in a straight line from the head to your heels.
6-Tighten your midsection and slowly inhale and exhale during the exercise.
7-Stay in this position for up to 60 seconds.
8-Lower your knees slowly to the floor and bend back so that you will be sitting on your heels, and rest.
9-Repeat three times.

This exercise may look simple, but in fact, it can be very difficult to do at the beginning. It is recommended that your holding in the start should be shorter, while you can gradually increase it with time.

                                           Source: http://www.justnaturallife.com/

Here’s How to Save Your or Someone Else’s Life From Stroke Using Only a Needle

This is a traditional method which has been used in Chinese alternative medicine for years. According to Chinese experts, this method is 100% effective and can save someone`s life when having a stroke.

Chinese professor says that a needle can save a person`s life when having a stroke, and therefore it is recommended that you always have a needle in your house.

Here are the instructions:

-First you need to know is that you must not move the person who has just experienced a stroke. It is much better to use a medical needle. In case you don`t have such at home, you can use a simple needle.
-If you use an ordinary needle, you must first sterilize it, heat it on a fire, with a lighter or a candle before use. Prick the tips of all 10 fingers as close to the nails as possible and as fast as possible.
-The blood will soon start flowing. If this does not happen, squeeze the fingers to simulate it.
-As soon as the blood starts flowing out of all the fingers, the person will regain consciousness.
-If the mouth of the patient is deformed, massage his ears until they become red in order to improve blood circulation.
-Next, prick twice the soft part of the earlobe until you see two drops of blood.
-The patient`s mouth will return into normal after a couple of minutes.

It is recommended that you wait until he is completely conscious and then take him the ER right away.

                                               Source: http://www.justnaturallife.com/

Why lemon juice is best thing for your body

Drinking lemonade in morning before breakfast, will reinvigorate your metabolism and prevent the calories to “stick” to the critical areas. Lemon not only helps in the process of weakening, but he is also credited in the fight against health problems.

The richness of vitamin C actually is not the only advantage of lemon. He may replace part of the fat in many dishes because he gives excellent taste and reduces the calorific value.

Example: for 1 serving salad, if you put double less oil and add a little more lemon juice, you will save 45 calories. The lemon is very little with fats.1 tablespoon adds only 1 calorie!
Among other things, this citrus will calm your thirst and will reduce body temperature.

Read the other benefits of lemon

Losing weight
Lemon juice stimulates the release of excess weight and influence preventive of deposited fat. For optimal results, drink lemonade in the morning before breakfast. This will speed up your metabolism.

Lemon is the best natural remedy for colds and flu. It stimulates the body to throw out excess mucus which occurs in case of cold and with its help you can quickly get rid of seasonal viruses.

Patches of skin
Believe it or not, lemon juice works well on dry skin and for removing stains. He also hydrates the skin and removes dead cells.
Put a little lemon juice on the area where you have spots and stay in the sun a few minutes. Repeat several times throughout the day.

Useful for pregnant women
Lemon juice mixed with water can be very useful for pregnant women because it helps in building bones of the unborn child. Calcium that is found in lemon is great for bones and teeth. Lemon contain potassium which is useful for the brain and nerve cells.

Other useful advices:

– Put some lemon juice into your coffee when you have a headache.
– Lemon juice can stops bleeding and can use it as a natural antiseptic for your wounds.
– Lemon juice mixed with olive oil helps to combat stone of bile.
– Some experts claim that regular intake of fresh lemon juice can be helpful against kidney stones.
– Lemon juice helps fight acne. If you have oily skin, brush your face with lemon juice twice daily. Place the juice for 5 minutes and wash.

Extra advice:
Always buy lemons that are bright yellow and that look fresh. Lemons with a thin crust have more juice than lemons with thick.

                                              Source: http://healthymagician.com/

14 Things That Happen to Your Skin, Hair and Health When You Eat Dry Dates

Dates can be consumed fresh or dried. They are famous for being a natural remedy for many health problems. Dates can enhance your energy levels, take care of your cardiovascular health, even keep your skin young and your hair healthy.

These are the benefits you will get from consuming dry dates:

Dry Dates Benefits for Health

1-Better Health
Dry dates are a rich source of vitamins, containing vitamin A, C, E, K, B2, B6, niacin and thiamin. These vitamins are important for our health and wellness. So, consuming dry dates improves our overall health.

2-Rich in essential minerals
Essential minerals like iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorous and copper, are incorporated in dates too. Our body cells are not able to perform their regular activities without these essential minerals.

3-Rich in iron
Iron has an important role in maintaining the quantity of blood cells and in controlling the oxygen flow in the body. People who suffer from anemia should add dates to their daily routine and get the benefits.

4-Rich in calcium
Calcium is an important element of our skeletal system and is needed to keep our bones and teeth safe and strong. Adding dates to your diet will help you prevent bone and dental problems.

5-Heals bowel illnesses
Dry dates include dietary fiber, which can heal constipation. They also act as laxatives and ease the bowel movement within our body.

6-Benefits cardiovascular system
Dates are low in fat and contain no cholesterol. They can control the level of bad cholesterol in our bloodstream. Dry dates have low content of sodium and high potassium content which are very beneficial for keeping the blood pressure under control.

7-Amazing anti-oxidant
Dry dates have great anti-oxidative characteristics, making our digestion smoother and keeping our stomach healthy. They boost the secretion of digestive juices and improve the absorption of nutrition. Additionally, dry dates are good at treating disorders like acidity, stomach ulcers, heartburn and colitis.

8-Boosts muscle strength
Dry dates increase muscle strength and are famous for making our heart stronger. Moreover, pregnant women should eat dry dates frequently in order to strengthen uterus muscles and make the childbirth easier.

9-Enhances energy
Dry dates include a great amount of natural sugar, making them a great energy booster. Also, you can improve your physical stamina by consuming them.

Benefits of Dry Dates for Skin
10-Solution for damaged skin cells
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is included in dry dates, which is very beneficial for skin cells because it can repair damage caused by free radicals. Dry dates are your solution to get firm and naturally beautiful skin.

11-Keeps your skin healthy
The Dry dates’ vitamin A content keeps your skin healthy. It removes dry and dead skin cells, and regenerate them. Your skin will be healthy, bright and glowing.

12-Fights ageing & promotes skin youthfulness
We already mentioned the anti-oxidative characteristics of dry dates. They are beneficial for our skin too. When our skin eliminates free radicals, it becomes firm and toned. This means that dry dates fight ageing and make us youthful.

Benefits of Dry Dates for Hair
13-Healthy hair
Vitamin B5 which is present in dry dates keeps our hair healthy. Add dates in your diet and prevent many hair problems.

14-Nourishes hair roots and scalp
If excessive hair fall is your problem, dry dates can help you a lot because they offer nourishment to hair roots and scalp, making your hairs stronger.

                                             Source: http://www.myilifestyle.com/

Here’s What Happens If You Eat Honey and Cinnamon Every Day

It’s medically proven that honey is extremely beneficial for the treatment of many illnesses. But, the combination of honey and cinnamon seems to be even more efficient, especially for conditions like high cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as a range of viruses. As impossible as it sounds, this combination can actually help with almost any disease.

Plus, these ingredients are easily attainable and inexpensive.

Heart diseases
For a healthier heart, make pasta from honey and cinnamon. Eat the pasta on bread (instead of marmalade) for breakfast every morning. This will lead to decreased cholesterol level in the arteries thus preventing possible heart attack.

Chronic arthritis can be addressed with a mix of two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon in a glass of hot water. Drink this in the morning and at night. If you consume it regularly, it can even help against cancer.

Gall bladder infection
To get rid of the bacteria in your gall bladder, mix two tablespoons of cinnamon and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink it every day.

If you regularly drink a mix of two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of cinnamon in a big cup of tea, your cholesterol level will decrease by 10% in only 2 hours.

In case you’re down with a cold, take 1 tablespoon of honey with ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon three days in a row. It will heal your cold, chronic cough and sinus obstruction.

Stomach ache
If you take honey with cinnamon regularly, not only will you eliminate your stomach ache, but you may also cure stomach ulcers.

Immune system
Regular consumption of honey and cinnamon powder also improves your immunity and guards your organism against bacteria and viruses.

Honey contains natural ingredients which destroy viruses and protect from flu.

Loss of weight
Weight loss can be stimulated by consuming a glass of boiled water with honey and cinnamon on an empty stomach every morning.

Bad breath
If you want to maintain fresh breath all day, rinse your mouth with a mixture of hot water, a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon every day.

                                       Source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/

The Best First Aid Stops The Bleeding in 10 Seconds!

You have a small cut and its oozing with blood.. You are alone and you have fear of blood.. You’re starting to get sweaty because your panicking..

What to do??

Believe it or not, Cayenne pepper is a plant that should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet, even if it’s not in your kitchen. Cayenne should also be as a part of your emergency first aid kit. Research has also shown that cayenne pepper has many other exceptional health and medicinal benefits, including the prevention of heart attack, cold, and prevention of bleeding.

Take a little cayenne pepper powder and put directly into the bleeding cut or laceration. The bleeding should stop within 10-15 seconds.

Cayenne powder should be reserved for small cuts and scrapes, if it is a larger wound, take a teaspoon of red pepper powder, dispersed in a glass of warm water and drink it quickly. Cayenne is actually a powerful styptic (substance able to stop bleeding when applied to a wound.) It does a quick equalization of blood pressure and blood clotting starts. Not only does cayenne work to stop bleeding quickly, it also disinfects the cut so you don’t need to worry about infections.

                                                 Source: http://www.mrhealthylife.com/

Food For A Flat Stomach

Those who are struggling with fat stomachs probably far untried various tricks and recipes to get rid of that damn fat. If you eat moderately, and while you exercise, and also ointment cream – further you can help by properly selecting the right foods.

Specifically, make shrewder than your body and make changes for a flat stomach.

These foods should be on your list.

Green Tea
Studies have proven that green tea reduces fat in the abdomen by 10% more than other drinks. It stimulates basal metabolism and regulates the level of glucose in the body because they have a reduced need for sweet dishes. Allowed 4-5 cups daily.

Although in the past it was believed that eggs increase the level of cholesterol in the body, recent studies have shown that they do not have as much impact. They contain high quality protein and vitamin B12, which is a large amount helps to break up fat. Eggs are a great solution for breakfast.

If you consume grains up to several times a day, your metabolism will improve, and will also reduce the level of insulin in your body. You do not have a great desire for calorie and sweet dishes.

Low-fat products
Enhance your day by 3-4 times to consume low-fat dairy products, and salsa will reduce to 70%. It also reduces the level of cortisol which is largely responsible for fat.

Only herb that contains vitamin D, which is extremely useful for the absorption of calcium. In fact, those people with a small amount of vitamin D in the body are more trouble spending fattest. Mushrooms also contain no cholesterol and are low in calories.

                                                    Source: http://healthymagician.com/

Wi-Fi A Silent Killer That Kills Us Slowly

In this modern world of technology the Wi-Fi network is everywhere around us. It is really a revolutionary way of connecting many devices without using any cables.

The biggest benefit from this kind of connecting have the mobiles phones, but the companies that produce them have specific instructions for the services on how to make them not harmful to our health.


In order to connect online, our wireless devices like tablets, laptops and phones use routers. The router emits electromagnetic waves or better known as WLAN signals, that can be very harmful. The truth is that we ignore this fact because we have very little or no knowledge about its side effects. But it is a fact – these signals harm the body.

The British Health Agency has conducted a study in which they have proven that routers have a bad effect on the growth of plants and people.


  • frequent strong headaches
  • chronic fatigue
  • sleep issues
  • pain in the ears
  • lack of concentration

We must admit that the technology is just a segment of our life that we cannot live without. Knowing that fact, the only thing we can do is learn a way to protect ourselves from its harmful effects. Here we have few useful advices that will help you use the router safely and at least lower the potential damage from it.
How to protect children from electromagnetic waves

-Turn off Wi-Fi when not using it
-Before bedtime make sure to disconnect all Wi-Fi programs
-Avoid placing a router in the kitchen and bedroom
-Replace your home wireless phones with cable ones

                                     Source:  http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/

2,000 Years Old Tibetan Recipe That Prolongs Life and Prevents Tumor

This old Tibetan recipe, engraved on a stone over 2 millennia ago, was discovered in an ancient monastery in Tibet. It treats digestive disorders, heart and prevents strokes, prevents the formation of tumor, improves vision and ensures a long and healthy life.

Garlic and lemon are the two main ingredients. The drink should be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.

  • 300g of garlic (finely chopped)
  • 1 kg of lemons with peel (to be finely sliced or grated)
  • 1.5 liters of water
Boil the 1.5 liters of water, then on a low heat add the grated garlic and lemon (add the lemon juice too). Cook all the ingredients in a closed container. Simmer this mixture on low heat for 15 minutes, not one minute longer. When the mixture has cooled, place it in a jar.

Consume 50ml. of this medicine daily, in the morning. Repeat this procedure for 25 days.

When you drink the whole dose, take a 10-day break, and then repeat the process again!

Stick to the daily dose and the ten-day break. For a better health, it is recommended to take one or two doses per year; this process should be repeated twice in a year or at two intervals of six months.

                                             Source: http://www.mrhealthylife.com/

She Gave Her Husband 1 Tablespoon Of Coconut Oil Twice A Day For A Month. You Won`t Believe What Happened!!!

More and more people deal with cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes type 2 in the US every day. Furthermore, according to scientists’ warnings, it is very likely that by the year 2050, 15,000,000 of Americans will have developed Alzheimer’s disease.

Mary T. Newport, M.D., is a neonatal practitioner and she has been studying all the scientific literature about Alzheimer’s during the last ten years. What she discovered is that the medium chain triglycerides (MCT) that coconut oil contains can be an amazing remedy when it comes to preventing and slowing down of the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Mary’s husband, Steve (58), has been suffering from progressive Dementia for over five years. His MRI results show that the disease was likely to develop in Alzheimer’s disease.

He has been dealing with major memory problems, like inability to find a spoon or inability to get water out of fridge. He has also suffering from depression. Studying the Alzheimer’s literature, Mary has found out that depression can often be e precursor of Alzheimer’s disease.

Why is MCT Important?

When there is a glucose insufficiency, the body cells of people use ketone bodies as a fuel. Brain cells are known to be the most selective cells in the body because they are restricted in terms of what type of fuel they are going to use to stay alive. Normally, they use glucose, but in some cases they can also use ketone bodies. In general, the human body does not contain and does not have these bodies to make them available for the brain to use them.

What exactly happens in Alzheimer’s disease?

In some body parts, the nerve cells are not able to use glucose as a fuel. This happens due to insulin resistance and thus they start to die off slowly. This process can go on for 10 or 20 decades before clear symptoms of the disease appear. Still, if those neurons utilize the ketone bodies as a fuel, they would be able to survive and go on functioning regularly. The same problem happens in the patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS and Huntington’s disease too, the only difference being that the problem is positioned in a different area in the brain and in the spinal cord.

The body does not metabolize MCT oil and other type of fats in the same way. In the liver, they are converted directly into ketone bodies and then they are used as energy. If the MCT oil is applied intravenously, it can lead to hyperketonemia, which is an increased number of ketone bodies in the blood, used by the brain cells in case if there is a lack of glucose.

Dr. Newport says that hyperketonemia leads to substantial (39%) increase in the cerebral blood flow, and it appears to lower the cognitive dysfunction related to systemic hypoglycemia in normal humans.

Later on, in her research, the doctor has discovered that coconut oil is nearly 60 percent medium chain fatty acids; it contains zero cholesterol, and is abundant in omega-6 fatty acids. MCT is also found in palm kernel oil and in human breast milk. Moreover, cow and goat milk also contain it in small doses, as well as the butter made from these milks.

When the disease has already advanced significantly, Dr. Newport settled on to try the coconut oil therapy, and bought 100 percent virgin coconut oil. She gave her husband this oil every day, 36 grams of it, (that is more than two tablespoons), for more than a month. The results of the therapy were incredible.

The doctor claims that there was an obvious improvement even after two weeks and then again at 37 days. After her husband has started taking the oil, she asked him to draw a clock, and thus saw the unbelievable results and improvements.

To conclude, Dr. Newport’s husband has made a considerable progress, and almost completely recovered after a month and a half of consuming 35 mg of coconut oil daily (more than two tablespoons).

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                                             Source: http://www.healthylifevision.com/