Heartburn after a heavy and spicy meal is a common condition which people usually don`t take it seriously. They simply take an antacid and the burning sensation is gone. However, indigestion can be a symptom of something very serious, such as esophageal and stomach cancer.

Don’t just take an antacid and shrug it off

In the United Kingdom, the Public Health England has started a campaign to warn people about heartburn as a possible symptom of cancer. According to PHE, stomach and esophageal cancer are the fifth most common cancers in the U.K. with over 13,000 patients diagnosed annually. Moreover, almost 10,000 people die from these types of cancer during the same period.

This is also a warning for American people as well

Every year, there are 16,000new cases of stomach and esophageal cancer in the United States. Men are 4 times more prone to these cancers than women, according to the American Cancer Society. The survival rates in both America and United Kingdom are of not more than 10 percent.

Poor digestion linked to stomach and esophageal cancer

The common symptoms of stomach and esophageal cancer include repeated indigestion for a period of three weeks or more, the feeling of food sticking in your throat whenever you swallow, sudden weight loss without any clear reason, trapped wind and frequent burping, vomiting and nausea, stomach pain and discomfort.

However, the major warning sign of stomach and esophageal cancer is the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or commonly known as heartburn. According to a recent ACS Gallup poll, 44 percent of adults in the U.S. have problems with indigestion and heartburn at least once in a month, and almost 30 percent of stomach and esophageal cancers can be associated with it. More precisely, it is a burning pain in the lower part of the mid-chest, behind the breastbone and in the mid-abdomen.

Lifestyle tips to protect yourself

The ACS recommends that you do simple changes in your lifestyle to keep GERD under control. Here is included regular physical activity, the quality and quantity of food, and when you eat.

Consume more fruits and vegetables, and smaller and more frequent meals, avoid eating 2-3 hours before going to bed, and consume less spicy and acidic foods.

Also, it is recommended that you quit smoking or try cutting it down. Also, you should avoid drinking alcohol. Over-the-counter proton pump inhibitors which reduce stomach acid and antacids can be of good help.

The earlier you take action, the better

If you regularly follow these steps and still have symptoms of poor digestion and heartburn, your doctor will suggest more aggressive treatments and prevention, such as medications and other nonsurgical medical procedures, as well as laparoscopic and open surgeries, and endoscopic therapies.

Routine endoscopies are particularly recommended for men over the age of 50, and people who experience more than heartburn and poor digestion, weight loss, anemia, vomiting and trouble swallowing.

Diagnosing esophageal and stomach cancer on time is of vital importance because it increases the chances of treating the disease successfully. People who notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms should visit their doctor immediately.

                                               Source: http://www.justnaturallife.com/