The Cancer Dies When You Eat These 7 Foods, Time To Start Eating Them

According to new research, there are 7 super foods that can significantly improve cancer treatment and possibly inhibit future cancer development.

Surprisingly, these foods are really delicious and enjoyed by many consumers. For one thing, who wouldn’t relish black chocolate, red wine, blueberries, tomatoes, turmeric, green tea or curry?

But, great taste is not the only thing these foods have in common. More importantly, they all potentially inhibit the spread of cancer.

Why are these foods so powerful?

Angiogenesis is the physiological process of blood vessel formation during the early stages of fetal development. But, this process doesn’t stop here. In fact, angiogenesis happens throughout our lives, any time we damage our blood vessels through cuts, burns or other injuries.

Moreover, angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels are formed, underlies much of the growth and spread of cancer. This process is orchestrated by so-called activators and inhibitors. Even though most cancer research is focused on inhibitors, it’s actually the activators that initiate the vascular growth of cells, i.e. the creation of new blood vessels.

What’s important about these 7 foods is that they inhibit angiogenesis, thus cutting off blood supply to cancers and preventing cancer growth.

Without new blood vessels, cancers are deprived of oxygen and nutrients they depend on for further growth.

It’s because of this that most cancer drugs are actually pharmaceutically designed inhibitors. To be more specific, it’s the inhibitors’ function to neutralize the activity of the activators and stop angiogenesis, i.e. the formation of new blood vessels.

These 7 foods provide the same anti-angiogenesis effect, which is why there are important for any cancer treatment.

1# Tomatoes

A Harvard study found that regular consumption of tomatoes reduced the risk of prostate cancer by up to 50%. The same study found that tomatoes are extremely beneficial for impeding angiogenesis owing to their high content of lycopene, a powerful anti-cancer agent.

First of all, lycopene is easily metabolized in the body. Secondly, its concentration significantly increases once it’s subjected to higher temperatures, which is why cooked tomatoes are more beneficial for preventing cancer development. It’s the same for curry.

2# Red Wine

The anti-cancer properties of red wine come down to a potent antioxidant, Resveratrol, found in grape skins. Many nutritionist praise Resveratrol for its effectiveness in prevention of heart disease and premature aging. Plus, this powerful substance has proved beneficial for a number of other health issues such as improving glucose tolerance, boosting energy levels and mental alertness; eliminating free radicals, viruses and bacteria; and repairing DNA.

Only 225ml of wine provide your body with up to 640mcg of Resveratrol. Some wine sorts, like Bordeaux or Pinot Noir, have even higher concentrations. Resveratrol supplements can easily be used instead of wine, especially in combination with grapes.

3# Blueberries & Raspberries

Blueberries and raspberries are rich in phytochemicals, which account for their anti-cancer properties, especially in relation to ovarian cancer. The phytochemicals also account for the dark color of these berries. In addition, blueberries and raspberries have been proved to reduce oxidative stress and angiogenesis.

Why are these foods so powerful?

Angiogenesis is the physiological process of blood vessel formation during the early stages of fetal development. But, this process doesn’t stop here. In fact, angiogenesis happens throughout our lives, any time we damage our blood vessels through cuts, burns or other injuries.

Moreover, angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels are formed, underlies much of the growth and spread of cancer. This process is orchestrated by so-called activators and inhibitors. Even though most cancer research is focused on inhibitors, it’s actually the activators that initiate the vascular growth of cells, i.e. the creation of new blood vessels.

What’s important about these 7 foods is that they inhibit angiogenesis, thus cutting off blood supply to cancers and preventing cancer growth.

Without new blood vessels, cancers are deprived of oxygen and nutrients they depend on for further growth.

It’s because of this that most cancer drugs are actually pharmaceutically designed inhibitors. To be more specific, it’s the inhibitors’ function to neutralize the activity of the activators and stop angiogenesis, i.e. the formation of new blood vessels.

These 7 foods provide the same anti-angiogenesis effect, which is why there are important for any cancer treatment.

1# Tomatoes

A Harvard study found that regular consumption of tomatoes reduced the risk of prostate cancer by up to 50%. The same study found that tomatoes are extremely beneficial for impeding angiogenesis owing to their high content of lycopene, a powerful anti-cancer agent.

First of all, lycopene is easily metabolized in the body. Secondly, its concentration significantly increases once it’s subjected to higher temperatures, which is why cooked tomatoes are more beneficial for preventing cancer development. It’s the same for curry.

2# Red Wine

The anti-cancer properties of red wine come down to a potent antioxidant, Resveratrol, found in grape skins. Many nutritionist praise Resveratrol for its effectiveness in prevention of heart disease and premature aging. Plus, this powerful substance has proved beneficial for a number of other health issues such as improving glucose tolerance, boosting energy levels and mental alertness; eliminating free radicals, viruses and bacteria; and repairing DNA.

Only 225ml of wine provide your body with up to 640mcg of Resveratrol. Some wine sorts, like Bordeaux or Pinot Noir, have even higher concentrations. Resveratrol supplements can easily be used instead of wine, especially in combination with grapes.

3# Blueberries & Raspberries

Blueberries and raspberries are rich in phytochemicals, which account for their anti-cancer properties, especially in relation to ovarian cancer. The phytochemicals also account for the dark color of these berries. In addition, blueberries and raspberries have been proved to reduce oxidative stress and angiogenesis.
