8 Simple Tricks to Improve Your Eyesight without Laser Surgery or Glasses

Many people face with eye problems at some point in their life. In this case, they usually have wear glasses or contact lenses to improve their eyesight.

However, there are other ways to improve your vision:

Rest your eye for at least three daily.
Do these exercises to strengthen your eye muscles and improve vision. Simply follow the lines in the image with your eyes. If you do the exercises for the first time, focus on an object and stare at it for some time. Your mind will absorb the symbol`s meaning. Your eyes may water and you may want to close them for a few seconds. This means they are relaxed.
Spend some time without the glasses each day.
Gently massage your eyes a couple of times a day.
Avoid spending time in front of your computer when you don`t need to.

                                                     Source: http://thehealthycentral.com/