Using Manuka Honey As Medicine. Treat Diabetes, Inflammation and Cancer

One of the best gifts from nature comes to us in the form of honey. It is in fact, a gift from bees. It offers so many types of benefits to us. It is not surprising that it has played a major role in so many cultures worldwide for centuries, finding application in medicine and food.

Manuka trees (Leptospermum scoparium) can be found growing widely across the entire Eastern Cape region in New Zealand. One of the most popular varieties of honey, Manuka honey is sourced from the nectar which is gathered by bees that feed on the Manuka trees.
Such honey is considered as superfood because of many reasons. The honey sourced from the Manuka trees has distinctive properties for our health. This includes:

  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-fungal
  • Digestive
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiseptic
  • Antioxidant
  • Medicinal Applications of Manuka Honey

There are so many health benefits of Manuka honey. It is widely used by the native Maoris in New Zealand, who look at it as a native medicine. They have been using it for its different medicinal benefits including, treating:

Skin diseases
Even various kinds of cancers
Captain James Cook, when he made his discovery of New Zealand and first met the settlers, he was given a special drink containing the Manuka’s spiny leaves. In his journal he noted that Manuka leaves are extensively used for making tea. It is recognized by its pleasantly bitter aroma and flavor. But the bitter aroma and taste are lost when these leaves are dried.

Comvita is medical Manuka honey’s largest supplier in New Zealand. According to Dr. Ralf Schlothauer, Ph.D. of Comvita, genuine medical Manuka will have the ‘UMF’ label. UMF stands for “Unique Manuka Factor” and means that this kind of honey will have this factor. He claims that this special factor refers to the concentration of antioxidant phenols. These antioxidants help in slowing down bacterial growth.

So before you buy Manuka honey, it is important to look for an official logo that states the certification in UMF.

You will find that Manuka honey is comparatively expensive. However, it is superior in its healing benefits compared to regular honey. Besides its improved healing benefits, it also offers better effects compared to conventional drugs too.

According to doctors, the high amounts of sugar in it help in creating its waterless environment. This prevents infection-causing bacteria in the wound to die. The honey also has glucose oxidase, a kind of enzyme which is acidic and further enhances its antibacterial properties.

Manuka honey also has anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, it helps in stimulating the development of new blood capillaries, thus helping in the reach of nutrients – this improves new skin cell regeneration.

As per various studies (published – Food Chemistry, Immunotoxicology & Immunopharmacology), Manuka honey has high levels of novel proteins called arabinogalactans. They help in improving immune activity and releasing anti-inflammatory cytokines on application on wounds.

Health Benefits of Manuka Honey:

  • Protecting gastrointestinal tract
  • Fighting flu and colds
  • Heartburn
  • Throat diseases
  • Eye diseases
  • Ulcers
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastritis


Top 10 Best Cancer-Fighting Foods To Add To Your Grocery List

There is surmounting evidence that the foods we eat weigh heavily on our fight against cancer. With 1 in 3 people affected by the disease, it is crucial that we include in our grocery list, some of the best cancer-fighting foods available.

Chaga Mushroom
The ORAC value of the extraordinary chaga mushroom is among the highest of any known food! The ORAC test stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and measures the ability of food to absorb free radicals. Foods with the highest ORAC rating help protect against premature aging and memory loss. Chaga mushrooms score at over 110,400 on the ORAC scale, which is ridiculously high, and great for free-radical scavenging activity. Because free-radicals are a major trigger and cause of cancerous cell growth, consuming high antioxidant containing foods is a must.

There are multiple studies that have proven chaga mushrooms’ incredible ability to inhibit cancer cell growth by inducing apoptosis (cell death) of the tumour in question.

Chaga is best made into a tea, where you let the powder or chaga mushroom “chunk” boil in water for 30 minutes – 1 hour (adding in more water when needed as it boils out).

Ginger is a great remedy for helping get rid of nausea, but it has also been found effective against cancer too. Rebecca Liu, assistant professor at the University of Michigan explains that ginger helps induce apoptosis (“cell suicide”) in cancer cells without affecting surrounding, healthy cells.

Including ginger in your juices, soups, smoothies and salad dressing recipes is a great way to get more of this amazing root into your diet!

Curcumin, the active component in turmeric, helps prevent many cancers, especially breast and uterine cancers. Curcumin acts by preventing the formation of cancer-causing enzymes, thus reducing the risk of cancer cell formation and growth. Specifically, turmeric acts by inhibiting topoisomerase enzyme activity, which is essential in the replication of cancer cells.

I love juicing fresh raw turmeric root with orange, lemon and celery. This makes a powerful tonic that is wonderful in the morning for flushing out the old, and making way for the new!

Soursop (Guanabana)
10,000 times more effective at treating cancer than chemotherapy, the soursop is one fruit you should definitely be eating. This fruit, also referred to as guanabana in Costa Rica, tastes like piña colada! I had the pleasure of eating it while I was out there, and intend on doing so when I return November 2015.

The soursop contains acetogenins, which target cell death of cancerous cells, while leaving normal, healthy cells alone. Chemotherapy does just the opposite – it targets cancerous cells, as well as healthy cells, leaving us sick and at risk for poor recovery.

This fruit can be found widely available in Costa Rica (San Isidro farmers market!!) or in your local Asian grocery food store. While in Costa Rica, my friend Ashley extracted juice from the fruit and blended it with pineapple to make an incredible tasting smoothie.

Reishi Mushroom
This popular mushroom in Asian countries has been used to promote general health and longevity for centuries. In fact, the dried powder of reishi was used as a chemotherapy agent in ancient China, and has more recently been confirmed of its cancer cell inhibiting abilities and immune system strengthening effects.

You can learn how to make reishi mushroom tea here!

Not many people view watermelon as a cancer prevention remedy, but I personally think that this fruit is a cancer-curing miracle! Being one of the most alkaline fruits on the planet, it will help neutralize acidity levels in the body, which is often a huge trigger and main cause of the cancers we see today (no surprise given the high-acid standard American diet).

Watermelon also contains lycopene, the famous cancer-fighting substance found in tomatoes (mentioned below!). Eat watermelon as is, or juice (or blend) it with lime and mint for a refreshing drink on a hot summers day.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which can help stop the spread of cancer. Sulforaphane is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that ranks high in broccoli, and even higher in broccoli sprouts (the baby version of broccoli). Consuming a serving of broccoli everyday can reduce your risk of colon cancer by 50%! The chemical compounds (like galactose), found in the fibre of broccoli, has the ability to prevent cancer-causing proteins (lectins) from attaching themselves to the lining of our colon. How cool is that?

Consuming broccoli in its raw form is best, but even lightly steaming it (if that is the only way you can eat it) should preserve some of the cancer-fighting abilities. I love eating broccoli with a no-bean zucchini hummus that I make, and it tastes amazing! Otherwise, broccoli sprouts are a common contender in a variety of my salad creations.
It may make your breath smell a little off, but the benefits largely out-weigh the bad breath. Garlic has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic, helping get rid of viral and bacterial infections, healing cold sores, and regulating blood sugar (among so much more). Increased intake of garlic has been associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers like stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas and breast cancer. One study carried out by the Jiangsu Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in China found that individuals who consumed garlic at least twice a week had a 44% lowered risk of developing lung cancer than those who did not consume raw garlic.

Garlic is also high in organosulphur compounds, which help destroy glioblastoma cells, the main cells that make up a deadly type of brain tumour.

Including raw garlic in salad dressings and juices is the best way to reap the benefits of this amazing plant. It is important to eat garlic raw, because once it is heated to high temperatures, the cancer-fighting properties of garlic greatly decline.

One of my favourite fruits, the tomato, also happens to be a great cancer-fighting food. These red jewels of deliciousness contain a compound called lycopene, which also happens to be a very famous cancer-fighting antioxidant, especially against prostate cancer (mainly because lycopene likes to concentrate in tissues of the prostate). Lycopene, and other tomato components, have been found to also stop the proliferation of breast, lung and endometrial cancers.

This strong antioxidant works by scavenging free radicals that normally damage our DNA and disrupt cell growth, promoting disease. While tomatoes are the highest in lycopene, guava, watermelon and pink grapefruit are also relatively good sources of the antioxidant.

You’ll be happy to find that these tasty little treats are also one of the best cancer-fighting foods. Almost every organic berry out there is loaded with free-radical scavenging antioxidants that help protect our cells and lower our risk of disease like cancer. Berries help prevent tumour formation, and slow tumour cell growth in individuals already affected. Ellagic acid, a common antioxidant in most berries (highest in raspberries), inhibits the genesis of tumours, and slows the growth rate of pre-malignant cancerous cells.

Including at least a cup of organic berries to your diet every day will benefit your body in more ways than one. Please do not purchase non-organic berries! They are high in pesticides and herbicides, and will likely cause more cancer than actually prevent it.


Aluminum in Deodorants Can Cause Breast Cancer. Use Lime to Eliminate Body Odor

Sweating is a natural process that protects the body from overheating, such as during hot and humid weather or intensive physical work.  Excess thermal energy is evaporated through the sweat particles  which contributes to the cooling of the body.  The human body has a large number of sweat glands, but most of us are annoyed with armpit sweat. The armpits contain the most active sweat glands, thus they emit sweat frequently.  This sweat is enriched with fatty acids and proteins which leave their residue on clothes.

Sweating is an important function of our body. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. When sweat starts to smell it becomes annoying and inconvenient, so we begin to actively use deodorants and antiperspirants. Well, getting rid of armpit sweat altogether is not what you should be worrying about. Sweat is good; it contains chemicals that fight diseases. According to a recent study, the chemicals found in sweat contain natural antibiotics that can kill dangerous germs. So, getting rid of one of the most important functions of the body, would not be wise. However, you can get rid of the smell that comes with sweaty armpits with proven methods from folk medicine.

Aluminum in Deodorants Can Cause Breast Cancer. Use Lime to Eliminate Body Odor
Believe it or not, the results it gives are just fantastic. Just cut the lime in half (not very ripe), and then wipe each of the halves on each armpit. It is possible that after rubbing lime, the skin under the arms will brighten a little, but don’t worry,  the color of the skin will be restored soon after.

Lime’s ability to combat armpit sweat is due to its acidity.  The acid in the lime juice helps reduce sweat production and can work as a natural deodorant. Additionally,  limes have strong antibacterial properties (bacteria are what we smell).
Remember, armpits are supposed to perspire; they get rid of toxins in your body. However, you can get rid of the body odor; just use limes.


Do Not Wash Chicken – That Is How Deadly Bacteria Is Spread, Especially Dangerous To Childre

It is advised that you do not wash the raw chicken as it doubles the risk of bacterial infection and contamination! – The purpose of this latest recommendation is to prevent the spread of bacteria that exists in flesh.

Washing chicken is not the issue; the problem is that we are doing it wrong.

Many users don’t know about this type of poisoning. A British agency for food standards conducted an online survey according to which about 44% of 4500 Britons who were involved in survey, washed chicken before cooking.
According to experts an environment is created by the water droplets which spread campylobacter. It is a bacterium which spreads on hands, clothing, kitchen utensils, work surfaces and appliances.

In an online survey it was found that, about 280,000 people suffer from this bacterium in UK annually. On the other hand only 28% people know about this bacterium. We mainly get Campylobacter from poultry and it is the most common type of food poisoning.

It is recommended by the Agency to avoid contact with raw poultry.
Although the symptoms from poisoning last for about a week but the bacteria can be fatal, especially for kids less than 5 years of age. Symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramping, general fatigue and fever.

The infection can lead to long term health problems which include bowel syndrome and Guillain Barre.
Avoid washing raw chicken meat.
Keep the meat covered in a fridge or freezer.
Store it in the lowest shelf of your fridge so that drops from meat do not fall on other food items.
When cooking, make sure that the meat is well cooked or baked.
During the preparation of meat, wash all the dishes, cutting boards, utensils and surfaces thoroughly.


She Drank Honey Water With Lemon Every Morning For A Year This Is What Happened!!!

Crystal Davis shares her incredible transformation story. ‘A year ago I was terribly sick with flu. Nothing I took from the drugstore would help. Then, a friend of mine recommended that I started drinking warm water with honey and lemon every morning. Of course, I was very skeptical about this, but as I had nothing to lose nor was I getting any better, I decided to take her advice. And then my flu simply disappeared. What’s more surprising, I really took to this highly beneficial tonic.’

‘I got into a habit of drinking it every day. This has already become a year-long tradition. Meanwhile, my body has undergone a transformation that I never expected to see. Here’s what’s changed for me:’

‘For a year or so, I’ve never come down with a cold.

Nor do I suffer from stomachache anymore.’
‘I must also say that I have never believed in the power of folk medicine before. As a matter of fact, I have always been very dependent on medications. The minute I would get stomachache, I started looking for tablets. Or if I was down with chronical fatigue, I drank vitamin pills and so on. I hope you see what I mean.’

‘I haven’t even sneezed once for over a year. My headaches are also long forgotten. Now I carry honey and lemon everywhere I go. I drink this potion even in hotels.

I no longer have my morning coffee. And I wake up very easily.
My lemon-honey cocktail actually cured my coffee addiction. My headaches too. Now I have much more energy throughout the day. I have a good night’s sleep and I smile in the morning.
Before, it would take me almost an hour to be fully awake. Now I am no longer nervous or nagging.

I even forgot the last time I had a morning anxiety.

I encouraged my family to also take this drink – and they too have become healthier! This is the greatest reward. Last year, neither I nor my family got flu or other winter ailments.

I don’t know how this magical potion works, but it DOES! I am enormously grateful to my friend for offering her advice.’


Baking Soda Shampoo Recipe That Will Save Your Hair!

Baking soda can be used for many things even though many people use it for one or two only. In the recent period, the use of baking soda has reached record high levels because of a scientific study that has found a new health benefit of using baking soda.

According to the research, baking soda affects the quality of human hair. It may sound a little bit odd, but it’s true. Baking soda can remove any traces of conditioner and shampoo that might be left after you’ve washed your hair and on top of that, your hair will become shinier after only a few treatments.
So, try replacing your standard shampoo with baking soda and you will soon notice the difference. Those who are aware of all the benefits and the structure of baking soda won’t be surprised that this compound is so helpful.

Shampoo based on baking soda that will do wonders for your hair

If you use 100% natural hair and skin care products and you prefer the do-it-yourself approach whenever you are taking care of your beauty, then you are definitely interested in using a safe and efficient product that won’t do damage to your health or release some toxins or chemicals in your body.

We recommend you to try this natural treatment and witness the results yourself.

Firstly, it may feel strange and difficult to wash your hair when there is no shampoo foam, but don’t let this change disrupt you.

Baking Soda Shampoo Recipe
Take one part of baking soda and three parts of water and mix them well. The amount depends on the length of your hair. For example, if you have shoulder length hair, take 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 times more water.
Use a small or medium size squeeze bottle to mix all the ingredients. Remember to change the amount of baking soda of water depending on the length of your hair.

Use this homemade remedy/shampoo to a wet or dry hair. Start with the roots and go all the way to the ends. The mixture should be left for 2-3 minutes on the hair and then, you should rinse it well. Use warm water to rinse the mixture.

Once the hair is washed and rinsed, you should put some vinegar rinse on it.

Make a combination of one part of apple cider vinegar and four parts of water. In case you can’t stand the smell of vinegar, you can use a couple of drops of peppermint, lavender or rosemary oil in this mixture. The best idea is to make a larger amount of this rinse and keep it in squeeze bottle in the bathroom.

Simply, move your head back and keep your eyes closed. This position will help you stay safe from the chance to expose your eyes to the vinegar mixture that can be quite uncomfortable for the eyes. Use the rinse to cover the whole hair.


Scientists Have Just Told Women To STOP Wearing Bras. Here’s Why

No bras on October 13th!! This is true! This day is called National No Bra Day and is invented in order to raise awareness about breast cancer as well as to collect money for research on breast cancer. Surely the ladies without bras will attract people’s attention but are you aware that bras can damage the breast?

Bras are invented to keep the breasts “in place” especially the large ones which is a good thing. It is quite unpleasant feeling when every movement you make emphasizes the size of your breasts which move as well.
Though, Jean-Denis Rouillion a sport science researcher and a professor at the University of Franche-Comte in the town of Besancon conveyed 15 year- long study on 330 women from 18-35 year old and he concluded that wearing bras didn’t reduce the back pain, didn’t support the chest nor prevented breasts from premature sagging .“Medically, physiologically, anatomically, breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.” Oh no!

The scientists now claim that when we wear bra we prevent the development of supporting breast tissue and if we don’t wear bra our breasts will not get saggy. During the study in women who didn’t wear bras, the nipples lifted for 7 millimeters unlike in the women who were wearing bras all the time. This is good news as we can do something about the way our breast look like. The study has also shown that the bras reduce the blood circulation which affects the skin tone on the breasts.
 “For younger women, not wearing a bra will lead to increased collagen production and elasticity, which improves lift in a developing breast,” claimed Dr. Stafford Broumand.

Yet, women wear bras not only to prevent saggy breasts. Many wear them to keep them still so they wouldn’t attract too much attention. Bras are very important part of every woman’s closet. But after reading this text you may want to consider if you still want to wear them.
