Want to Get Rid of Your WhiteGray Hair for Good There Is a Way…

Some scientists say white hair occurs due to stress or genetics, while others say it happens because of certain diseases.

A great part of the world population deal with this problem before the age of 50 years.

Anyway, the medical explanation for the appearance of white hair is: the hair follicle includes melanin, which is a pigment. Our hair starts to lose its color and white hair emerges when the body is not able to create melanin.

Here is one natural recipe that will be very helpful in eliminating white hair and reclaiming your natural color forever.

Needed ingredients:

200 ml of flaxseed oil
4 lemons
3 cloves of garlic
1 kg of honey

Peel the lemons and cut them and the garlic. Then, add flax seed and honey. Mix the ingredients and pour it in a jar. Store it in your fridge. Consume a tablespoon of this mixture before meals, twice daily.

Additional remedies for white hair:

Use cow milk butter to massage your scalp twice weekly for a couple of months.
Also, you can combine 1 liter of yogurt and one tablespoon of yeast. Eat a little bowl of this mixture before every meal.
Bring to a boil coconut oil and add some curry leaves. Then, strain the oil and leave it cool. Apply the mixture on the scalp and let it sit for a few minutes, and then rinse off.

Image Via Flickr: Rebecca Siegel(https://www.flickr.com/photos/grongar/4922873299)

                                    Source: http://www.myilifestyle.com/