This Is Why Your Legs Cramp At Night (And How to Stop it From Happening Ever Again)

Many people suffer from night leg cramps or also known as nocturnal leg cramps which occur during night sleep. They usually affect people who are inactive during the day. These cramps usually happen in the calf but can also occur in feet and thighs. The pain usually lasts from several seconds to about several minutes. After the severe pain is gone, the muscles can remain slightly painful for the rest of the night and some people can feel it even the next day. Leg cramps can occur in both men and women but the most affected are those over the age of 50.

Leg Cramps at Night, Different From Restless Leg Syndrome

The restless leg syndrome (RSL) and leg cramps usually appear during the night but this is the only common thing between these two conditions.  There are several differences between leg cramps and the restless leg syndrome:

RLS causes feeling of soreness or crawling feeling in the legs
the RSL does not induce pain or cramps unlike the nocturnal leg cramps
if you move your leg during RLS, you will be relieved, and if you move your leg while you experience a leg cramp, you will feel pain, and that is why you need to stretch it
during RLS you want to move the legs, and during night leg cramps you want to avoid movement
This Is Why Your Legs Cramp At Night (And How to Stop it From Happening Ever Again)

Causes And Risk Factors of Leg Cramps at Night

We cannot say for sure why night leg cramps occur, but there are certain causes and risk factors which are linked with leg cramps:

standing for a long time or working on concrete floors
over-exertion of the leg muscles
sitting inadequately
sitting for a long periods of time
There are also several medical conditions which may cause leg cramps, including:

Parkinson’s disease
neuromuscular disorders
Statins, diuretics, beta agonists
structural disorders (flat feet for example)
endocrine disorders (diabetes for example)
Statins, diuretics, beta agonists
Treatment And Prevention For Nocturnal Leg Cramps

In order to treat the leg cramps you need to know the reason which caused them. For example, if they appear due to dehydration, than you must drink plenty of water during the day. Below, you can find a list of some treatments and preventative methods which can relieve this condition:

You can put a heating pad on the affected area
use horse chestnut, as it improves the blood flow in the body and in the legs
take a warm, relaxing bath before sleeping to loose the tightened muscles
Take enough magnesium or potassium, because these mineral deficiencies can often cause leg cramps
you can also try acupuncture to relax your muscles
Wear comfortable shoes, and avoid wearing high heals
stretch before going to bed
do water exercises in order to build leg muscles
What to do When Cramps Occur

When night leg cramps occur during the night, people often feel as paralyzed. So, that is why you should know how to help yourself and how to reduce pain after they are gone. Here are some tips:

Consume a tablespoon of yellow mustard
Get up from the bed and try walking for some time. Shake your legs to improve the blood flow.
Sit on the floor, place your legs in front of you, and flex your feet at the ankles. Then, point your toes toward your knees and pull your feet in order to get a better stretch
massage the affected area with circular movements
make sure that the blankets and the sheets are not too tight and that they do not cause the leg cramps
