A heart attack can be predicted even months before Your hair warns you, and here’s how

We all have to learn how to do the massage of our body. Every change in the body is remembered in our hair, including this.

High levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) can be indication to heart attach even months before it really happens.
Some scientists from Canada investigated how problems in marriage, financial problems and problems at work can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and they found out that there is a biological sign witch can predict a heart attack.

Usually, cortisol can be measured through the blood, urine and saliva analysis, but all examples showed levels of cortisol in the days and hours leading up to the analysis, say professors Stan Van Mind and Gideon Koran of the University of Western Ontario.
But, the hair is different. Hair is growing approximately one centimeter in month, and strand long 6 inches can show a level of stress for longer period.

This was showed from analysis of hair samples from 56 people who have had heart attacks, and those results were compared with the results of analysis of hair samples from men who were suffering from some other diseases, and have not had a heart attack.
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                                             Source/Reference : www.cuisineandhealth.com