This is The Reason Why You’re Going To Freeze Lemon From Now On!

Another experimental study has demonstrated how limonoids, that natural existent in lemons and different citrus organic products avoid and unequivocally stop the advancement of growth cells, particularly breast tumor!
Researchers highlight that you mustn’t discard anything from the lemon: the juice, the seeds or the covering!

The lemon skin has 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the juice.

Lemon has anti-carcinogenic effects, and an entire lemon can help your body discharge toxins, it has an anti-microbe impact against bacterial contaminations and parasites, is extremely successful against inward parasites and worms, manages the blood pressure, it is great anti-depressant and t is great  battle against anxiety and apprehensive issue.

Not only for the healthy reason, you can enjoy in its flavor, especially the skin, in the following way:

It is very easy. Take one non-sprayed lemon (if you don’t have home growth, buy organic lemon from bigger stores or healthy food ships), wash it good and put it in the freezer (you can put slice or whole lemon)

After freezing, takeout and grind it.
Freezing lemon like this can be put in ice-cream, soups, cereals, pasta, your favorite drinks or on/in anything else!

You will taste new flavor, which will be awesome and your body will be grateful for being health.

