The Best First Aid Stops The Bleeding in 10 Seconds!

You have a small cut and its oozing with blood.. You are alone and you have fear of blood.. You’re starting to get sweaty because your panicking..

What to do??

Believe it or not, Cayenne pepper is a plant that should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet, even if it’s not in your kitchen. Cayenne should also be as a part of your emergency first aid kit. Research has also shown that cayenne pepper has many other exceptional health and medicinal benefits, including the prevention of heart attack, cold, and prevention of bleeding.

Take a little cayenne pepper powder and put directly into the bleeding cut or laceration. The bleeding should stop within 10-15 seconds.

Cayenne powder should be reserved for small cuts and scrapes, if it is a larger wound, take a teaspoon of red pepper powder, dispersed in a glass of warm water and drink it quickly. Cayenne is actually a powerful styptic (substance able to stop bleeding when applied to a wound.) It does a quick equalization of blood pressure and blood clotting starts. Not only does cayenne work to stop bleeding quickly, it also disinfects the cut so you don’t need to worry about infections.
