Remove Fibroma or Skin Warts Very Easy!

Warts are benign skin growth which caused by the human papillomvorus (HPV). Usually, they have the same color as the skin, and sometimes can be lightly pigmented. They look like small lumps with a size of a few millimeters up to an inch in diameter.

Warts are not dangerous, they can only be an aesthetic problem.

Generally, they appear on the neck, armpits, under the breasts, eyelids, the belly and groin, but they can occur anywhere on the skin.

There are certain problems which can occur with warts- they can grow, bleed and so on.

Their size and number increases gradually with age. Also, their number can vary from a few to several hundred.

Fibroma is diagnosed by dermatologists who will determine the treatment.

Commonly, they are removed in the cold time of the year, when sun exposure is minimal.

There are several methods used for warts removal, including radiosurgery, electrocoagulation, applanation, and laser. Usually, one treatment is enough, unless they are in large number or take up higher surface area. In this case, the treatment must be repeated.

After the procedure, you must maintain good hygiene and take prescribed local antibiotics. Also, you need to avoid exercise and sweating for a few days after the surgery in order to prevent complications.

How to use apple cider vinegar to remove fibroma:

This is one of the most effective natural remedies for removing warts naturally.

First of all, carefully wash the area around the wart with water and mild soap.

In the first treatment, soak the wart in water for 15 minutes, or carefully rub it with a toothbrush.

Dry it.

Dip a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar. Allow it to act for 15 minutes, and then wash it with water.

Repeat the procedure 3 times a day, several days in a week.

After some time, the wart will become darker, scabs will be formed, and eventually it will fall off.

There will be some scar left, depending on the size of the wart. Therefore, you should apply margoid ointment or aloe vera gel.

If the wart is not deep in the skin and if you do all carefully, there won`t be any scars.


1-Make sure you apply the ACV precisely on the wart so that the vinegar does not flow on the surrounding are because it can cause irritation.
2-Once a scab is formed, do not apply more ACV.
3-Do not pull the scab away, allow it to flake off naturally.

This natural method has been used by many people and it has been proved as extremely effective.
