Do It Yourself Very Effective Homemade Cream for Scar Removal!

Whether it is from a childhood incident, minor accident or even acne, scars happen. Though they might be a fact of life, that doesn’t mean we have to like it. Or even resign to getting used to them.

If you have wounds that are currently healing, there are a few things you can do to help reduce future scarring. Aloe vera, fenugreek, gingko biloba, tea tree essential oil and vitamin E are all potent substances that promote healing and lighten the skin.

Unfortunately, most scar treatments involve toxic chemical peels or expensive, harsh lasers. While this cream won’t be an overnight cure, it has helped so many scar sufferers.


  • 4 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • 4 teaspoons of honey
  • 1 egg white

All ingredients are put in a bowl and mixed.
The homemade scar removal cream is ready.
Apply the cream directly onto the scar and leave it there for 15 minutes then wash it.
Apply this cream once a week for 15 minutes.
For several weeks with its regular usage the scars will completely heal.
