A headache is pain which occurs in the region of the head or the neck. It can be caused by various factors, some of them are dangerous and some of them are not.

Sharp headaches usually appear suddenly and without knowing reason. They reach maximum intensity in just a few seconds. They may be a symptom of numerous health issues, the most serious being internal bleeding due to blood vessel bursting in the brain, which can have lethal consequences.

A headache that occurs in the early morning may indicate brain tumor, apnea or hypertension and therefore you should consult your doctor.

If the headache is accompanied by blurred vision, mood changes and tension in the neck, you should also consult your doctor.

The location of the pain may vary, including:

It occurs in one of the hemispheres of the head
This is a type of migraine which is not dangerous but it can last up to 72 hours. It is a pulsating pain with moderate to severe intensity, followed by hypersensitivity to light and nausea. It is recommended that you take an analgesic as soon as you fell the first symptoms, and rest in a dark and quiet room.

Forehead pain
This headache is usually caused by sinus infection. The pain can also be felt in the cheek bones. It this case hot shower and inhalation is recommended.

As if hoops tightens your head
This type of headache develops gradually, and is with moderate intensity.  It gives a feeling of hoop being pressed onto the head. It is caused by stress and in this case it is recommended tht you take a nap.

Pain in one side of the face, swollen eye lid
Cluster headache is one of the most painful types of headache. Typically, it can awaken you in the middle of the night with intense pain located around one eye on one side of your head.

It occurs almost every night, at the same time, and it lasts up to 3 hours. In this case, it is recommended that you move around the room instead of sitting still. The pain is accompanied by redness, swelling and sweating. It affects men five times more often than women.

To the back of the head
Neck pain is usually caused by some issues in the spine/waist and neck. For instance, it can be caused by a longer period of sitting. Taking some fresh air and stretching are the best solutions for this type of pain.

Pain in the temples
This type of pain occurs due to certain joint problems. Also, it can appear in the face and ears. Additionally, you can have difficulty in opening and closing your mouth, and there is a click when you move your jaw. Consult your doctor.

Keep a diary

Experts recommend keeping a diary of headaches in order to have information about how often do you have headache, how long they last, at which time and location, daily activities, some food or drink that can be associated with the pain etc. This can help you get more precise diagnosis.

                                            Source: http://www.justnaturallife.com/