BE AWARE! What Your Doctors Didn’t Tell You About Chronic Yeast Infections

Generally, almost every woman has a vaginal discharge. However, not all discharge is normal. If you notice that your vaginal discharge is thick, smelly and accompanied by itching and burning sensation, this indicates a vaginal yeast infection. Usually, these infections are treated with over-the-counter vaginal creams and suppositories. The problem is that these treatments help you get rid of the infection only temporarily and in many women the yeast infections returns after a few weeks or months.

Therefore, you should try to act directly on the root cause of the infection.

Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infection:

First of all, you have to determine whether it is really yeast. It is recommended that you repeat the laboratory tests since there is a possibility of a mistake.

Vaginal infection is characterized by irritation, burning sensation, itching and large or small amounts of white discharge.

Hormonal imbalance can also be the cause for vaginal infections, as well as vaginal dryness, bacterial overgrowth, allergy to spermicides and latex condoms, allergies to semen and food sensitivity.

If the infection returns within 2 weeks after the treatments, you need to determine why your body is prone to yeast infections.

Reasons for Recurring Yeast Infection

Sexually transmitted reinfection
Change in vaginal pH, during and after the menstrual cycle
Vaginal care products, including shower gels and bath which change the pH
Poor immune system
Glucose metabolism disorder
Resistance to anti-fungal agents
Overuse of antibiotics
Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Inadequate progesterone production
